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Writing a daily read for Teacher Tapp

16 March 2023

Looking to write a Teacher Tapp daily read that’s both informative and engaging? Look no further! Our daily reads are read by over 1,000 teachers across the country so it’s a great way to build your readership.

So, what makes a great daily read? The answer is simple: relevance. Teachers want to read about things that matter to them and their day-to-day lives. While we do feature posts from journalists and academics, our favourite reads tend to come from fellow teachers who understand exactly what it’s like to be in the classroom. Whether it’s research they want to reflect on or simply something going on in their school, our readers love hearing about the experiences of other teachers.

But, as any teacher knows, time is of the essence. That’s why we recommend keeping your post to 800 words or less. Most of our readers use our app between 3:30pm and 4:15pm, so like something quick and easy to read. 800 words should take them no more than 3 minutes to finish – perfect for a quick break before planning for the next day.

Finally, be mindful of the web host you choose. Ideally, your post should be easy to access without having to navigate subscription walls or pop-ups. We recommend using free platforms like which are both easy to use and easy to access. Substack and Medium are also fine, with just one pop-up for readers to swipe away.

Of course, none of this matters if we don’t know about your post! That’s why we recommend publicising it on Twitter using the hashtag #edublogshare. And if you really want to catch our attention, don’t hesitate to tag one of us: @teachertapp, @profbeckyallen, @miss_mcinerney, or @karenwespieser.

Writing is not just a gift to your profession, it’s also a great way to reflect on what you do. So what are you waiting for? Start writing today and share your insights with the Teacher Tapp community!