Today (Saturday 26th October) in London we are hosting our first Teacher Tapp Hackathon – this is a chance for teachers to have a go at running Teacher Tapp for the day by analysing data… creating questions… writing blogs… and so on.
If you are at home and keen to take part, we’ve also got three online competitions for you. There are prizes to win for the best entries!
To enter, post responses to the questions below on twitter using the #tthackathon. We’ll give three prizes for our remote participants. Here are the three questions:
Q1: Write the funniest – and yet acceptable (!) – question to ask teachers
Remember… it has to be a multiple choice question with up to 10 responses. Ideally something that ANY teacher can answer, but happy to accept questions that are just for primary, secondary or SLT teachers. So… think of a question and post it on twitter with the hashtag #tthackathon and the phrase ‘Q1’ somewhere in the tweet.
Q2: Write the question that is likely to yield the greatest insight into teaching and schools
Is there a question that would really transform our understanding of how teaching and schools work? Write that question, post it on twitter with the hashtag #tthackathon and the phrase ‘Q2’ somewhere in the tweet to win the prize!
Q3: How can we learn what people’s philosophy of teaching is?
This is an example of a REALLY TOUGH question to answer using a few multiple choice questions. With the minimum number of survey questions, how CAN we learn what people’s philosophy of teaching is?!? We don’t mind whether you want to suggest 1 or 20 questions, but the goal is to make it as concise as possible for us to figure out people’s underlying philosophies. Post it on twitter with the hashtag #tthackathon and the phrase ‘Q3’ somewhere in the tweet to win the prize!
How to enter
It’s easy… think of your answer and then post it on twitter with the question number (e.g. Q2) and the hashtag #tthackathon. Judges reserve the right to decide based on whatever we think is the best answer when we see it. That’s it! Good luck!!!